• house-key

    San Antonio Vacant Home Insurance

    by Global Insurance Agency

  • Standard Home vs
    Vacant Home Insurance

    Standard home insurance policies are written under the stipulation that the insured property be “owner occupied.”

  • This means the person or at least one of the persons paying the mortgage and the insurance premium must actually live in the building year-round.

    Most home insurance policies will contain certain exclusions that kick in after a home’s left uninhabited over 30 days. In some instances, a homeowners policy might be completely nullified for inadequate owner occupancy.

    Insurance policies for business and rental property typically include provisions requiring some form of occupancy, too. These work similarly to those found in home insurance.

vacant home insurance san antonio

San Antonio Vacant Home Insurance: For the Vacant Property’s Unique Risks

Occupancy requirements are included in standard property insurance policies because unoccupied buildings—be they homes, businesses, apartment complexes or something else—face a higher risk of certain perils compared to occupied buildings:




Insect Incursion

Frozen or Busted Pipes

These differing risk ratios of vacant properties and owner-occupied buildings are the reason insurance carriers issue different policy types for the two.

Some home insurance carriers allow homeowners to add a vacant property addendum to their existing policy. Such coverages aren’t typical, though, and if you own an unoccupied property, it’s crucial to carry the proper coverage types.

If you insure a vacant property with standard business or home insurance and make a major claim, your insurance company will probably reject it once it learns you’re carrying the wrong policy. In fact, the entire policy will probably be nullified, leaving you financially responsible for all the property damages.

vacant home insurance property
  • San Antonio Vacant Home Insurance Experts

    Global Insurance Agency has been proudly helping homeowners in San Antonio protect their properties for over 30 years with Vacant Home Insurance

  • Without knowing the intricacies and complications that come with insuring your home, whether it's occupied or vacant, and choosing the wrong insurance can leave you and your investment vulnerable to certain types of disasters or incidents.

    Global Insurance is your local San Antonio Vacant Home Insurance experts. We have a team of experienced agents who have been dealing with insurance all types of homes for years. We will take the time to identify a policy that perfectly fits the needs of you and your investment.

    With over 30 years of proven expertise of handling both traditional and high-profile clients, as well as both large and small investments. Make sure that your family and your investment is protected with San Antonio Vacant Home Insurance.

  • For a Free Quote on Vacant Home Insurance in San Antonio, Contact Global Insurance Agency

    If you’re wondering about your options for covering a vacant property, call Global Insurance Agency today at 210-499-0700. We'll review your coverage needs and advice you regarding the best, most comprehensive coverage options for the lowest possible price. For a free online vacant home insurance quote, fill out the quote form on this page!

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