• Flood Insurance Agency

    San Antonio Flood Insurance

    by Global Insurance Agency

  • San Antonio Flood Insurance to Protect What You Love

    Weather is known for its unpredictably. It can be sunny one moment then stormy the next

  • While many homes are protected with home insurance, a lot of homes still lack comprehensive flood insurance. Flood insurance is essential because most home insurance policies do no cover damage from flooding or flood related incidents.Fortunately, Global Insurance Agency is here to guide you through the complicated process of obtaining San Antonio Flood Insurance.


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How Does Typical Home Insurance Define ‘Flooding?’

If a pipe in your home busted and flooded your floor, would it be considered a “flooding event” and thus, not reimbursed by your homeowner’s policy? Or would it be covered?

If you answered, “Yes, this event should be covered under my home insurance policy” (or something similar), you’re correct. A flooded floor or other water damage to the home caused by a busted pipe (or even a malfunctioning appliance) would likely be covered by a typical homeowners insurance policy.

What kinds of events then, are classified as “flooding” and are thus not covered under a standard home insurance policy? Obviously, a heavy rainfall event wherein water rose into your home would be considered flooding.

However, other kinds of damage classified as “flood damage” under standard home insurance and flood insurance policies aren’t quite so obvious. In other words, your house doesn’t need to flood with rainwater to sustain “flood damage.” As specified in typical homeowners and flood insurance policies, flood damage also includes:

Rain Damage

Storm Surge Damage

Mud Damage

It’s a guarantee that your existing home insurance (or any home policy you’re considering for purchase) won’t cover the above events.

  • Where Can I Buy San Antonio Flood Insurance?

  • The overwhelming majority of flood insurance policies across the US—including in Texas—are sold under the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). The NFIP is administered by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

    To purchase FEMA flood insurance, you must go through an NFIP-Direct-affiliated agency. Global Insurance has sold flood insurance through NFIP for over 30 years. Let us be your guides to getting you the right San Antonio flood insurance policy.

Flood insurance LatinAmerica

What type of Flood Insurance Do I Need?

NFIP flood insurance policies come in two types:

  • Standard Flood Insurance

    These policies are designed for residents who live in communities with an active and ongoing flood management plan. Such communities must also be able to demonstrate that they have enacted certain NFIP guidelines to reduce flood-based damages.

  • Preferred Risk Flood Insurance

    These flood policies are designed for residents living in low-to-moderate risk zones. Such residents aren’t necessarily required to purchase flood insurance, but have this option in case they experience a small flood or even an unexpectedly large one.

  • Get a Free Quote on FEMA Flood Insurance in San Antonio

    We’re glad to speak with you about flood insurance and to answer all your questions too. For a free flood insurance quote, call Global Insurance today at 210-499-0700 or go to our contact page for free online flood insurance quote.

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